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Schloss Esterházy, with its famous Haydn Hall, adjacent palace grounds and former court stables, is the landmark of the provincial capital of Burgenland.
The Esterházy Privatstiftung had plans to take the cultural use of Schloss Esterházy and the surrounding area into a new, future-oriented direction. was commissioned to develop a master plan for the creation of a new Schloss Esterházy complex, which was to include the entire area surrounding the palace with existing, planned and possible new buildings and renovations in the forecourt, park, orangery, hotel, monastery, business centre, exhibition and event buildings.
The aim was to link separately run or infrequently used resources with new facilities to create a whole in terms of content, organisation and finances. Guidelines for subareas were developed, defining aims, connecting them conceptually and providing the necessary spatial and functional solutions for implementation.
In 2005, had already developed a first master plan for the garden and palace, which formed the centre of the national project “KulturKreisPannonien”. Starting with Eisenstadt, this national project aims to strengthen the East Austrian region.
Photo 1: draft for restoration and activation of the connected axes of the forecourt, palace and park; photo 2: draft of the Schlossplatz as the starting point for visits to “Schlossbezirk Esterházy” and the town